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Kaspersky Optimum Security

Building on from Kaspersky Security Foundations, Kaspersky Optimum Security helps organizations to protect their business from new, unknown and evasive threats – in a resource-conscious way.

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Reduce your risk

Prevent disruption and damage to your business by reducing the likelihood of falling victim to an evasive attack.

Fewer opportunities for human error

Quickly and easily prevent employees from leaving themselves – and your
business – vulnerable to attack.

Minimum manpower involvement

Maximize your ROI by boosting the number of incidents processed automatically, without increasing your human resources costs.

Risks and benefits

Next-gen endpoint security

  • Automatic protection against ransomware, exploits, rootkits and fileless threats.
  • Machine Learning based behavior detection and roll -back of any changes made by malware.
  • All the tools to reduce your attack surface – manually or with Machine Learning based Adaptive Anomaly Control.
  • Automation of routine tasks like encryption, vulnerability and patch management.


Toggle to see your risks
  • Discover previously unrecognized attacks using Indicators of Compromise (IoCs).
  • Easily understand an incident's scope, impact and root cause.
  • Apply rapid and accurate response actions to incidents before any damage can occur.
  • Only basic security expertise required.


Toggle to see your risks
  • Proprietary Indicators of Attack (IoAs) enable the detection of stealthy non-malware threats that automated prevention and detection tools may have missed.
  • The completely managed or guided disruption and containment of threats, delivering a swift reaction while keeping all response actions within your control.
  • Supported by the most successful threat hunting teams in the industry and backed by over 25 years of consistently outstanding targeted attack research.

What Our Customers Say

Kaspersky is a winner with customers for the third year running – we are the 2019 Gartner Peer Insights Customer’s Choice for Endpoint Protection Platforms.
  • Gartner peer insights customers’ choice
  • Gartner peer insights customers’ choice
  • Gartner peer insights customers’ choice
  • Gartner peer insights customers’ choice