KasperskyDDoS Protection
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- Global network of data traffic ‘cleaning centers’
- Seamless integration with no additional hardware
- Protection from the most complex and high-volume attacks
How could DDoS affect you?
When hackers or cybercriminals launch a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, the damage – and the costs – can be devastating for the business that’s being targeted. DDoS attacks are used to disable the targeted organization’s online presence or key business processes – and that can have long lasting impact for the victim. Is your business doing all it can to achieve effective DDoS attack protection?
Keeping your business online
With online activities playing an increasingly important role in virtually every business’s day-to-day interactions with customers, suppliers and employees, no business can afford to ignore today’s growing DDoS risks. Your online services – and all of your IT infrastructure – are just too important to leave unguarded:
- Your customers are more demanding than ever
- They expect ‘always on’ access to products and services – and that means unplanned downtime isn’t an option if your business is going to keep hitting its targets for customer satisfaction levels
- Your own team needs reliable access to key services
- Many of your employees simply can’t perform their work tasks if any of your critical systems are taken out of action by a DDoS attack
- The effects of an attack can be far-reaching
Even though the attack may be targeting a specific element of your infrastructure, it could affect other areas of your business. For example, an attack against a bank’s internal systems could also disable its entire network of ATMs (Automated Teller Machines).
Financial damage... and more
The direct financial costs of recovering from a DDoS attack can be massive… and the reputational damage can keep adding to those costs over the long term:
- Direct financial costs
- Failed sales transactions – during downtime periods
- Failed online banking transactions – with possible penalties
- Your own team needs reliable access to key services
- Negative publicity that dissuades existing customers and potential clients
- Damage to your business brand – that could take years to recover from
Confusion causes even more damage
If your business is subjected to a DDoS attack, it could also suffer additional losses that result from misconceptions about exactly what a DDoS attack is – and how it could affect your customers. Even though DDoS attacks are unlikely to have any effect on your customers’ security, can you be sure your customers will understand this?
Whenever customers hear about a ‘security incident’ – any security incident – some may fear that their confidential information, bank details and credit card numbers could be at risk. Even though these fears may be totally illogical – and stem from customers’ misunderstandings about the nature of DDoS attacks – your business could still suffer.