Air raid warning: what hackers can actually do with modern aircrafts?
Recent report by US GAO was treated by medias as “Modern aircrafts can be hacked and commandeered through onboard Wi-Fi”. Is it really that bad?
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Recent report by US GAO was treated by medias as “Modern aircrafts can be hacked and commandeered through onboard Wi-Fi”. Is it really that bad?
With so many games and apps available for download on your mobile devices, it’s important to remember that not all of them are suitable for children. That’s why you should be monitoring what your kid installs.
Fraudsters hacked Skype and tricked people from a contact list to send them about $5,000 over the course of a few days. Skype support, local banks and the police refused to do anything.
Scientifically proven: video games may really boost your intellectual abilities.
Let’s talk about the dangers of cross-border payments with plastic cards and security flaws in payment systems architecture.
The Internet continues to find its way into the private lives of its users. Here, we brief you on the most common methods of online tracking.
Whether you’re buying or selling a secondhand Apple device, you can be fooled by criminals. We have gathered tips on how to minimize your chances of being taken by such frauds.
“British Prime Minister David Cameron to Ban Encrypted Messengers” — Headlines like this are appearing here and there. But what happened exactly?
On the one hand, drones are bound to violate privacy, whether on purpose or not. On the other, we’ve yet to discover and unleash their full potential.
Applying the incorrect settings to your router may lead to serious problems. Here is a short guide to protecting your home Wi-Fi network.
Let’s take a moment to discuss why people tend to skip updating and upgrading their security solutions, and why this is detrimental.
The first five victims of Stuxnet were deliberately selected by the attackers and allowed to execute an attack on the uranium enrichment plant in Netenz.
Let’s take a look at the security features in the new version of Mac OS X – Yosemite. Apple certainly makes a decent effort.
It’s not always easy to give general advice to Android users because the OS is so very diverse. But we have ten security tips that are relevant for almost any Android version.
Using an in-room tablet in a hotel is an easy way to share your precious private data with the whole world and make it public.
Today, users are readily spending their money on house arrest-style services similar to those used for tracking criminals. They call them fitness trackers.
Elena Kharchenko, Head of Consumer Product Management, answers the important security questions that you submitted.