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By: Ken Rapoza, Forbes

Botnets, trojans, SQL injections and DDoS attacks.  Most internet users have no idea what those things are, or how they are shaping the future of their connected lives.  One thing is certain, more computers and wireless devices are going to be compromised this year than were last year.  Some companies will go out of business as a result. State secrets will be revealed.  A mysterious charge will appear on your credit card bill each month.

Over 70,000 new cyber security threats are discovered on a daily basis.  Even the strongest networks are not safe from hackers. Last year’s well-reported hacks included the Central Intelligence Agency, U.K. Treasury, Lockheed Martin, and Sony’s famous compromise of 77 million online user accounts in August and again in October 2011. The Apple operating system is not safe. PC systems are definitely not safe. Android smartphones are a mobile hackers favorite platform.


Can Hackers Destroy The Internet?

Can Hackers Destroy The Internet?
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