Spies on wheels: how carmakers collect and then resell information
What personal information do modern cars collect about you, and how can you avoid surveillance or hacking of your vehicle?
13 articles
What personal information do modern cars collect about you, and how can you avoid surveillance or hacking of your vehicle?
Most people may see the COVID-19 pandemic as a medical battle, but it is also very much a cyber-battle.
This National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re prioritizing IoT security
Xiaomi’s robotic vacuum cleaner was hacked by security researchers. However, it proved much more secure than most other smart devices.
An unwitting army of connected devices caused an insane disruption of major Internet sites. IoT users need to wise up.
We’ve reached an age where our digital and analog lives are one and the same. How can we make sure our kids grow up digitally savvy and safe?
Since you started to connect all those Things to the Internet, creating IoT, your home is no longer your fortress by design. Now attackers can spy on your kid through a baby monitor or break into your house by fooling your ‘smart’ security lock.
In-flight security made quite a lot of headlines this summer, but this time at unusual angle: the one quite surprising for an average passenger and quite expected for an IT specialist.
Researchers compete at finding security holes in infotainment systems of connected cars and breaking in. The new case proves that Tesla does care a lot about security at wheel.
Taking over a Jeep Cherokee driving at speed 70 mph at a remote highway is quite real.
Which brain mechanisms are in charge of our memory? Kaspersky Lab analyzed why we forget information stored on our devices.